Thursday Night - Gear Store Opening

Event information

This event has passed.

Gear store will be open during this time for hire and return of gear. Our volunteers will be here during the above time only (ie please be on time!).
For club trips - the trip leader will let you know if gear hire can be organised on the day or if you will need to come to one of the general gear store openinsg. 

We suggest you register for the event so we know you are planning on coming (in case we need to close early or cancel etc). 

** Note  ** if you are requesting to hire any specialist Climbing, Caving, Skiing or Kayaking equipment this requires the prior approval of activity convenors. 

See the calendar for alternative opening times.

See our website for the current hire rates and rules and to pay for link to pay for your hire.

Contact details on the day. 

Phone Number: 0405763940



If you need the gear store but is not able to come at any of the time on the calender, Msg the trip leaders or the club committee!