Info for members

Signing up to club trips

Generally trips that require RSVP, the signup will close at least 2 days (often longer for weekend trips) before the trip to allow the trip leader to get information out to those attending and sort out any gear needed. Please be organised and sign up in time!

To sign up to trips, you will need your username/password.  These will have been emailed to you when you joined.  If you can't find them, please email or message us on facebookand ask for your password to be reset so you can sign up.


What can the club do for you?

The LUMC mission is to get people outdoors. We wish to provide people the opportunity to partake in safe, friendly, fun, social and cost effective way to get outdoors and in outdoors adventure sports including Bushwalking, Rockclimbing, Kayaking, Rafting, Mountain Biking, XC Skiing and Caving

The club is a great way to get outdoors and have fun! Learn new activities, make new friends and have a great excuse to get up in the morning! We organise discounts for members, offer training opportunities and are a place where make lifelong friends

What can you do for the club?

You can help support us. Everything that we can and will do for you requires the time and energy of volunteers, and we want you to be one of them! You can help integrate new members and join us on university Welcome Days, O-Week Celebrations and any other event that spreads the word of our awesome club. You can learn how to maintain our equipment, help set up pool sessions and climbing @latrobe, show your skills on the BBQ, and assist in any other way that helps our club to improve. We want you to become a familiar face around the club! We want you to be the type of member other clubs want to steal!

LUMC is not a business - we are a club and as such wish to maintain club values. We aim to attract people from the La Trobe Community students, staff and alumni so that we may foster an identity of our own and establish a strong club environment which will continue for many years. So what can you do to help?

Be involved!
Be involved in a way that works for you, is it coming to kayaking sessions, go indoor rockclimbing with the club (maybe even organise a time you are going and advertise it as a club trip for fellow members), maybe Bushwalking takes your fancy, craving a social night, why not organise one for the club? Maybe its you just love the outdoors from the comfort of your lounge room and you want to be our admin extraordinaire. Whatever it is, the best thing you can do for the club is be an active member!

Advertise us on Social media!
Everytime you like or comment, or tag your friends on a post on Facebook, you increase the exposure of the club which we love. Like our page, say you are "interested" in O-week, and Big Weekend

Run a club trip
We encourage all members to run a club trip, so after you have been on a few. We would love some people to schedule events they plan to run in our calendar so we can show the world (and prospective members) how active we are. See more here:

O- week Sports Carnival We are online this year!
There's lots of jobs that anyone can help out with, so don't let being new deter you from being involved! Email if you are able to help and we will coordinate details

I don't have a car. Can I still go on trips?

Many people in the club do not have cars. This is not a problem. Most club trips leave from uni, and car-pooling is organized. Just let the trip leader know that you will require transport. See below for notes about petrol.

What is a club trip?

Club trips and personal trips are two different things and its important to keep in mind the difference.

Club trips are
- Advertised to all members (through the club email list), secondary advertising is fine, but the email must go out to the club.
- Inclusive
- Align with the club purposes
- Open to members of suitable experience and equipment to join in at the time of advertising to the email list (i.e. a trip isn't a club trip if you send an email out but its already full - that's not in the club spirit!)
- Organized by a current club member
- Not be in conflict with the clubs constitution, policies or risk management guidelines (the convenor approval process deals with this bit)

Why organise a club trip?

Lots of reasons!
We are a club, organising club trips is the whole reason for our existance! You will have a group of people ready to go do fun stuff with, the support of the club, be covered by club insurance, have priority gear hire.