Registration for this event closes at Mon 31 Mar 2025 12:00.
Learn some navigation skills!
We are running some training to help upskill members in map reading and navigation. Aimed at people who haven't done much before and/or are interested in rogaining. This session will be via zoom - the rogaine coming up is the perfect opportunity to put what you learn to practice!
Zoom link will be circulated to those that register
Some of the things we will cover
- Basic components of a map
- Cardinal directions (north/south/east/west) and how to find which way is which on a map
- Map legend including some of the common symbols
- Scale (including what this means and how to use it, measure distance on a map etc).
- Datum (and why this is important particuarly if using GPS or guide books
Stuff that will help with rogaine
- Topographic words (things like a saddle, gully, spur, ridge etc).
- Contours (what they are and how to use them), where is top of hill, which way is river flowing etc)
- Legend
- features on map and implied features
- navigating use map features
- introduction to the compass
- magnetic declination
- estimating time
- how to become unlost
- navigating from point A to B with compass (whilst important to be able to do, this is probably the least important part of navigation).