Gear Hire

How to Hire Gear

Contact your Trip Leader or Gear store manager.  The gear store is open once a week, times advertised by the email list if there is an opening planned. Tuesday evenings prior to Indoor Kayaking are generally the most reliable time to ask someone if they can open it (ie be organised!). Please make sure you have organised it in advance and don't just expect those kayaking to be able to help.

 Over holiday periods the gear store will be open on an ad-hoc basis. Most of our volunteers will be out adventuring and not on campus so please ask as far in advance as possible to increase chances of someone being able to help you out! (no promises, but we will try!) We will make an extra effort to ensure gear store is opened for any club trips


Our gear room is inside the sports centre, turn left at the front desk and we are one of the last door along between the lift and opposite the stairs

NOTE: You must return the gear to the club (not the sports centre front desk). Failure to abide by this may result in your membership being suspended and/or being banned from hiring gear in the future.


Gear Hire can be paid online here or by clicking the Gear Store button at the top of the page.  

Hire rules for general gear:

These Terms and Conditions form the Gear hire policy for LUMC.

  1. Members only, if you are not a member you must sign up first. If you are not a member and not planning to sign up, please don't ask to hire gear.
  2. No LUMC members may hire club equipment for another person (1 set of gear pp.)
  3. You must pay upfront
  4. You must pay your hire fees online through our website. 
  5. Any gear damage, existing or otherwise, must be reported. (we do need to get it fixed/replaced)
    If an item is damaged during its responsible use, you will not be charged a replacement/repair fee (at discretion of trip leaders/gear store manager) Be sure to inform the committee member opening gear store of any damaged or missing items before hiring or on return.
  6. Only authorized people on the key list may access the gear store.7. Any leader running a beginner trip is entitled to free gear hire, in any activity. Free gear hire applies to nobody else
  7. Make sure all hired gear is returned in good condition (& dry!) and on time
  8. All hires will be recorded in the hiring system, whether at a cost or not.
  9. Late returns can result in the hiring member paying extra to cover the period the gear is overdue.
  10. No LUMC gear is to be taken overseas.
  11. Only Trip leaders are allowed to reserve gear required to run their own trips. All other gear is available on first in, first served basis. Club trips have priority over gear for personal use. Hire of Climbing, Caving and Kayaking and Ski gear for personal use requires approval from the activity convenor. If you haven't been actively involved in the sport within the club (recently) and demonstrated safe use and care for the equipment, the answer will be no.
  12. The Gear Hire Officer reserves the ultimate right to refuse hire, determine fees owed, and coordinate the operation of the LUMC Gear store at his or her discretion especially in hire situations where the standard fees are not applicable. 
  13. Trip leaders reserve the right to insist hire of gear if deemed necessary for the trip eg. hire a suitable bushwalking pack, or raincoat. (You will likely not be eligable to attend the trip without the required gear)
  14. The club accepts no responsibility for ensuring the safety or quality of the equipment. This is the responsibility of the hiring member.

Hire Rates

Weekend – Hire Thursday return by Thursday or earlier is requested
Week-Hire for trips longer than 2 days - return same day following week.

Item Day Price Weekend Price Week Price
General Camping      
3 person tent (general camping tents) - $10 $15
GPS $5 $10 $15
Hiking/snow tent (only hired out for hiking or snowcamping - $15 $20
All other camping gear listed below is capped at $5/$10/$15 (day/weekend/week)      
Hiking Pack (varying sizes) - $5 $10
Day Pack $3 $5 $10
Sleeping bag (Must use your own liner, you can buy one from us for extra $10) - $5 $10
Sleeping mat (compressed foam) - $3 $5
Car- camping gas canaster stove - $5 $15
Trangia (hiking stove and pots) (Use only Methylated Spirits) - $5 $10
Fuel for Trangia $2/L      
Rain Jacket $3 $5 $10
Overpants $3 $5 $10
Gaiters $3 $5 $10
Overgloves $1 $2 $3
Headtorch (provide own batteries) $3 $5 $10
Maps $1 $2 $3
Compass + Whistle $2 $3 $4
Camping cups, bowls etc (haphazard supply) $1 $2 $3
Mountain Biking      
MTB + Helmet  $10 $15 $25
Bike rack (no towbar required, fits 3 bikes) $5 $10 $15
Outdoors equipment - club trips only - no general hire      
Outdoors- Club trip $10 $15 $25
Bouldering mat - club trips only $5 $10 $15
XC Skiing      
Skis-Boots-Poles $10 $15 $25
Snowshovel $2 $4 $6
Snowshoes (or +$5 with hire of skis) $10 $15 $25
Caving Helmet and Headtorch $10 $15 $20
Other equipment (ladders, ascenders etc.) please ask      
Kayak/raft (per person), helmet, deck, paddle, PFD $10 $15 $25
Raft helmet, paddle, PFD (not for general hire) $50 ($10pp) $75 ($15pp) $125
Wetsuit $3 $5 $10
2-burner BBQ $5 $10 $25
Heavy duty stove $5 $10 $25
Water Carrier (20L or 25L) $1 $2 $5
PLB- for club trips to remote locations Free Free Free
PLB - personal trips to remote locations (under special circumstances only) $20 $30 $40
First aid kit (For club trips only) Free Free Free
Gear for sale - from time to time the club has gear for sale      
New Foam Mats $5    
New Sleeping bag liners $10    
LUMC T-shirts (limited sizes) $15    



LUMC has a library of books and magazines which is kept in the gearstore, and is freely available to all members who are thinking about running club trips. Books can be checked out like other gear. For personal use a $1/week fee applies. It is asked that guidebooks such as the Climbing and Bushwalking guide books not be checked out for more than 1 week at a time as they need to be available for club trips.

Retirement of equipment

The club monitors and replaces equipment as required (assistance always appreciated!). Disposal of old equipment follows the following guidelines
- If the gear has an end of life date it is disposed of appropriately and will not be offered to members
- If gear can be repurposed for another activity within the club this should be done (eg torn foam mats cut for snow camping pads)
- In some situations where gear is still serviceable it is first disposal method is sale with members first priority.
- If it has no resale value then advertised as available to pick up for members as priority or will be binned/given to charity.
- Gear may be advertised to the general outdoors community if there is no interest from the membership
- Income from sale of old gear will be used for purchasing new equipment